Terms of service
Terms of Service
All purchases are shipped from our warehouse in St. Pete, Florida, by USPS, to arrive within 3-12 business days from receipt of your order.
The shipping and handling cost for your order is based on the total weight of the order.
Please allow up to 2-4 business days to process, and pack your order
Orders are shipped on business days only. Business days are Monday-Friday, excluding public holidays.
Delivery times shown below are based upon normal business volumes.
Out of Stock Items
We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. If your item is out of stock, we will contact you to discuss how you would like the order handled.
Order Cancellation and Changes
We do not normally accept order cancellations or changes once an order has been processed. If you have a question about your order, please contact us at 727.423.8432 and quote your order number.
Order Tracking
When your order is shipped from our warehouse, USPS will send you an email to confirm your shipment – this email will include a tracking number and link to enable you to track your package.
Can I Ship to multiple addresses?
No. You will need to create a new order if you would like to ship to more than one address.
What shipping method do you use?
All of our packages are shipped by USPS.
Do I have to sign for delivery?
You will not have to sign for delivery.